ГДЗ по английскому языку за 8 класс Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова - Rainbow English - Лексико-грамматический практикум

Unit 2 — 13 — стр. 41

Decide which words you should change in the sentences below to make them correct. Rewrite the sentences.
Решите, какие слова вы должны изменить в приведенных ниже предложениях, чтобы сделать их правильными. Перепишите предложения.


Sarah explained why she had not come to school yesterday.

Sarah explained why she had not come to school the day before.

Сара объяснила, почему она не пришла в школу накануне.


Did Tracy mention where she had bought these books?

Did Tracy mention where she had bought those books?

Трейси упоминала, где она купила эти книги?


Oliver thought they had made a mistake now.

Oliver thought they had made a mistake then.

Оливер подумал, что тогда они совершили ошибку.


Charles knew they had received all the bills today.

Charles knew they had received all the bills that day.

Чарльз знал, что в тот день они получили все счета.


I told my boss I had worked as a manager two years ago.

I told my boss I had worked as a manager two years before.

Я сказал своему боссу, что два года назад работал менеджером.


We warned Tim that he had left his passport here.

We warned Tim that he had left his passport there.

Мы предупредили Тима, что он оставил там свой паспорт.


Joanna told me she had already seen these plays.

Joanna told me she had already seen those plays.

Джоанна сказала мне, что уже видела эти пьесы.


The boys asked if they could go for a walk now.

The boys asked if they could go for a walk then.

Мальчики спросили, можно ли им тогда пойти погулять.


Ann added she had been to the shops today.

Ann added she had been to the shops that day.

Энн добавила, что в тот день она была в магазинах.


Harry wanted to know how many days ago we had paid the bills.

Harry wanted to know how many days before we had paid the bills.

Гарри хотел знать, сколько дней назад мы оплатили счета.


"Rainbow English - Лексико-грамматический практикум" по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.


Афанасьева О.В., Баранова К.М., Михеева И.В.


Decide which words you should change in the sentences below to make them correct. Rewrite the sentences. Решите, какие слова вы должны изменить в приведенных ниже предложениях, чтобы сделать их правильными. Перепишите предложения.