ГДЗ по английскому языку за 8 класс Ваулина, Эванс, Дули - Spotlight - Учебник

Grammar Check — Lesson Module 2 — Item 1 — стр. 140

Look at the pictures and use the phrases to write about each person's day so far, as in the examples.
Посмотрите на картинки и используйте фразы, чтобы написать о том, что делал каждый человек сегодня днем до настоящего времени, как показано в примере.
A. Gregory: put up new posters on the walls, make the bed, pick up his books from the floor, throw his clothes all around the room;
B. Mrs Lee: finish al the work, be in the office since 8:00, just receive more work, leave the office yet;
C. Mike and Pam: just move into a new house, put everything in its place, take the plates out of the boxes, have a rest yet;
D. Martha: return from work, bake biscuits, wash the dishes, collect her son from the nursery.


Gregory has put up new posters on the walls. He hasn't made the bed. He hasn't picked up his books from the floor. He has thrown his clothes all around the room.

Грегори повесил на стены новые постеры. Он не заправил постель. Он не собрал свои книги с пола. Он разбросал свою одежду по всей комнате.


Mrs Lee hasn't finished all the work yet. She has been in the office since 8:00. She has just received more work. She hasn't left the office yet.

Миссис Ли еще не закончила всю свою работу. Она в офисе с 8 часов. Она получила дополнительную работу. Она еще не ушла из офиса.


Mike and Pam have just moved into a new house. They haven't put everything into place. They have taken out the plates from the boxes. They haven't rested yet.

Майк и Пэм только что переехали в новый дом. Они не расставили все по своим местам. Они не достали тарелки из коробок. Они еще не отдыхали.


Martha has returned from work. She has baked cookies. She has washed the dishes. She has collected her son from the nursery.

Марта вернулась с работы. Она испекла печенье. Она помыла посуду. Она забрала своего сына из детского сада.


"Spotlight - Учебник" по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.


Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В.


Look at the pictures and use the phrases to write about each person's day so far, as in the examples. Посмотрите на картинки и используйте фразы, чтобы написать о том, что делал каждый человек сегодня днем до настоящего времени, как показано в примере. A. Gregory: put up new posters on the walls, make the bed, pick up his books from the floor, throw his clothes all around the room; B. Mrs Lee: finish al the work, be in the office since 8:00, just receive more work, leave the office yet; C. Mike and Pam: just move into a new house, put everything in its place, take the plates out of the boxes, have a rest yet; D. Martha: return from work, bake biscuits, wash the dishes, collect her son from the nursery.